upvc windows

Repair Jobs That High-Quality Window Firms Should Be Able To Provide

upvc windows



In times gone by, window companies were relatively one-dimensional in the types of services that they offered – namely, they would be expected to have a well-stocked catalogue of products, and that was all. However, as the industry has progressed and evolved, so too have the expectations of clients. Here at Park Lane Windows, as one of the leading firms in this particular field, we are pleased to be able to provide a comprehensive overview of the types of repair services that you should expect from your elected window supplier.

Window Repairs


Due to the fact that we are discussing window firms, it should come as no surprise to learn that this is, by far and away, the most important type of repair that they should be capable of. If the seal around your double-glazing panes has begun to deteriorate, it would be worthwhile getting it seen too as a matter of urgency. This can ensure that the adverse side-effects do not continue. 


Door Repairs

Whilst you may not think too much of it, the fact of the matter is that your front door is one of the most important features from your home, in terms of security. This is typically the first target of criminals and thieves intent on carrying out their nefarious actions. Therefore, you need to be proactive in getting any issues resolved in a quick and easy fashion. This will deter them from targeting you. Whether the glass is cracked, or the hinges are no longer in adequate condition, do not overlook the importance of repairs.

Conservatory Repair


The chances are that if you have invested in an elaborate extension or conservatory, you will want to try and preserve its quality. This is particularly true if you spend prolonged periods in this particular area of your home. If, for example, you notice that the overall atmosphere is lacking, and that it is not retaining heat in the same way that it once was, it may be best to get help from a professional specialist. They will have the equipment and expertise necessary to procure a solution without adding to your stress.

Quality Check


Contrary to popular belief, you can engage in a repair service even if you are not totally sure as to whether or not there is a fault. Health checks are designed to provide a comprehensive examination of your uPVC windows and doors, and subsequently determine if you require repairs. Perhaps you feel as if your door lock is not quite functioning as it should, or the window handle has become increasingly unresponsive as time has gone by. In instances such as these, rather than wait for the problem to get worse, it may be prudent to enlist the help of a repair firm.

Looking For More Assistance?

Do you seek the services of a company that has proven itself to be proficient when conducting uPVC window repairs? Are you someone that owns a set of double-glazed windows, and want to have them fixed so that they provide the optimal benefits to your property? If you have been experiencing common problems with your windows and doors, the cost-effective solution is to undoubtedly solicit the services of Park Lane Windows.

Whilst our reputation has primarily been built upon providing such products as patio doors and multi-point windows, this is not to say that we are not also capable of offering window and door repairs to our valued customers. Should you require any further information regarding our full array of services, we ask that you either write us a message at sales@parklanewindows.co.uk, or call us with your query at 01604 791791.