Why Are My Home Windows Fogging Up?

Why Are My Home Windows Fogging Up?

Why Are My Home Windows Fogging Up?

Your home windows fogging up can be a sign that your windows are working very well. It can also be a warning that something is wrong. In this article we explain the three different reasons windows get foggy. We’ll also share some tips on how to tackle the issue.

What causes windows to fog up?

Fog, or condensation, is from moisture droplets in the air, touching a cold surface. In the warm air, moisture droplets have enough space between them you can’t see them floating around. When they meet a cold surface, such as a window, the droplets merge together and become bigger, visible drops. This looks like a coating of moisture droplets on your windows.

What different types of window condensation is there?

There are three ways your windows could be fogging up. Condensation forming on the exterior, the interior or in-between the panes.

Exterior Condensation

Condensation on the exterior of your windows is a sign that your windows are performing fine. This happens when the temperature of the external window is much colder than the temperature of the outside air. The only problem with this happening, is it can reduce visibility for a little while until the glass warms up. It’s most likely to happen early morning or at night.

Interior Condensation

Unlike external fogging, condensation on in the inside of your window can cause major problems. When moisture drips down the window it pools on the sill and can damage the material and grow mould. This type of mould, black mould, is a health risk.

This type of condensation occurs when the temperature of the windowpane is colder than the air inside your house. You may find that the problem is worse in rooms where there is a lot of moisture such as the kitchen or bathroom.

Condensation In-between Windowpanes

Getting fogging and moisture inside the two panes of glass of your double glazing is a problem. Because this area should be sealed and dry, moisture inside means the seal or other part of the window structure has broken.

How Do You Fix Condensation On Windows?

There are three ways to stop your home windows fogging up. If your interior panes are foggy, you have two options:

  • Reduce the moisture in the air
  • Warm up the windows so the moisture doesn’t settle

Ways to reduce the moisture in your home:

  • Use a dehumidifier.
  • Make sure your trickle vents are open.
  • Use extractor fans when cooking and showering.
  • Leave your extractor fans running for 15 minutes after you finish showering or cooking.
  • Make sure your extractor fans are working properly and in the most useful place.
  • Open windows to air the house regularly.
  • Avoid drying clothes inside the home.
  • Don’t leave big plants on the windowsills.
  • Keep the door shut when showering, and if possible, the window open.

Keep your home at a constant warm temperature to reduce condensation accumulating on the windows. If you’re not able to fix the issue yet, keep the mould from growing by wiping your windows dry.

Now you know why your home windows may be fogging up. Find out whether the fog is internal, external, or in-between panes. You can then treat according to the underlying cause. If your windows are fogging on the inside of the panes, call us at Park Lane Windows for advice on what to do. Sometimes the seals can be fixed but the best option is usually to replace the window.