Window Financing Options You May Not Have Noticed

Window Financing Options You May Not Have Noticed

Window Financing Options You May Not Have Noticed



In the past, if you wanted to be able to replace your existing windows with ones which could easily be identified as upgrades, you would have to part with the total sum immediately. This could leave a large dent in your finances, meaning that it was not a feasible agreement to enter into. However, you can now find various financing options which lessen the burden – here to tell you a little more, are the specialists here at Park Lane Windows.

Ten Year Deferred Payments

For those of you that always believed that home improvements were nothing more than a pipe dream, you will undoubtedly be thrilled to hear that this is no longer the case. Provided that you can scrape together the relatively-insignificant sum of £99 together, you can immediately benefit from having new windows installed. The best thing about this agreement is that you have 12 months to begin saving; after the first year has come to an end, you can then begin your monthly repayments, which will last for ten years.

Three Years Interest-Free 


When you hear the phrase ‘3 years interest-free credit’, the chances are that you will think that this is a deal which is simply too good to be true. However, that is exactly what you get when you enter into this agreement. Depending on your financial situation, you have various payment options from which to choose from. Whether you think that you can complete the deal in 24 months, or think that it is best to stay on the safe side and extend it for 36 months, the end result will still be that you receive a fantastic set of windows.

Free Three Months

After conducting a quick analysis of your available funds, you may realise that whilst you do not have enough to pay for your new windows or doors immediately, you have sufficient funds to put down a substantial deposit. In these types of best circumstances, the best thing to do may be to pay a 25% down-payment. Following on from this, you can enjoy 3 months where no money will leave your bank account. Once this period has concluded, you can choose to pay the outstanding balance over either 60 or 120 months. As if this wasn’t attractive enough, the interest on your monthly payments will be minimal.

What Are Our Credentials?

In case you were wondering, all of the financial examples listed above are those which are available when you come to Park Lane Windows. As a company, we are committed to bringing our wares to as many homeowners as possible. For this to have become a reality, we saw it necessary to begin offering, amongst other things, interest-free finance deals. For those of you that are still a little uncertain about taking advantage of these options, we suggest checking out the plethora of testimonials that we have received on Checkatrade. Written by past clients, these should serve to convince you that we are the right firm for you.

Want To Get In Touch?

If you believe that spreading the cost of your windows or doors is the best thing to do, and subsequently would like to collaborate with a company with ample amounts of experience, your search for a solution has finally come to an end. If you were to entrust Park Lane Windows with your needs, you can expect to be left with a final outcome which is nothing short of exceptional. 

Aside from the wealth of options which feature within our catalogue, we have also received much acclaim for the excellent customer service that we routinely provide. Case-and-point, if you visit our website’s contact page, you will find various methods that can be used to reach out to us. The support representatives that we have here will endeavour to assist you in any way they can.