Are UPVC Doors Worth Investing in?

One of the main concerns that many people have when they purchase their replacement door is which material they choose. You have several different options to choose from, including timber, composite which is a mixture of metal and plasti), and UPVC. UPVC is the material that we’re going to discuss in this post. As a leading distributor of windows and doors, our team at Park Lane Windows understands the advantages that UPVC provides and can help you determine whether or not to invest in this particular material.

Completely Customisable

One of the main reasons UPVC is worth the money is the fact that you can customise them to suit your home’s aesthetic. Though UPVC has a reputation of being white and uninspiring, you’re really not limited to this. You can have a door with any style and imitation effects you could want. Imitation timber is one of our most popular choices. This means that you can keep the timber aesthetic with all the benefits of UPVC. Beyond this, the UPVC can be easily tailored to the size of your doorways, making it a great choice for those with irregular doors. If you’re looking for an easy, customisable option, then UPVC is worth investing in.

Safe and Secure

Another important role that your doors play is their security. In this field, UPVC exceeds expectations. It has an ultra-light frame but it is really sturdy with a locking combination and double glazed glass making it difficult for anyone to break in. We know how important it is for you to feel safe in your home. Whether you’ve suffered a break-in in the past or you’re just trying to protect yourself, having the right door is the key to feeling like your home is protected. This can help you to sleep better at night and go about your day with confidence to know that your UPVC doors will stand up against the toughest attacks. If you’re looking for a secure door for your home, then UPVC is ideal.

Help with Insulation

Usually, the conversation about insulation revolves around the windows in your house and the roof. But you shouldn’t overlook the impact the door can have on your insulation. Warmth can leave your home through your door, even when it’s closed, which can end up costing you a lot of money. Fortunately, the right door can help to keep the energy safely in your home and UPVC is a great material to help with this. It is a low conductor of heat, so when it’s fitted correctly, you’ll be able to minimise the heat loss in a way that is far better than non-insulating materials. If you’re looking for an insulating door that will help to keep your house warm then choose UPVC.

Weather Resistant

Your front door needs to be made of a strong and durable material that will be able to withstand the years of weather conditions. From the sun to the rain, wind and snow, your door faces a lot and you need a material that will be fully weather resistant. This is why timber isn’t the best choice, because it needs to be regularly stained in order to protect it from the weather. But UPVC is naturally resistant to water, air and sunlight, making it the ideal choice for your door. Its natural ability means that you don’t need to spend so much time maintaining your door. If you’re looking for a weather-resistant door, then UPVC is ideal.

If we still haven’t convinced you that UPVC doors are worth investing in, then we’d love to continue the conversation, so please give us a call on 01604 791791. We look forward to hearing from you.